Let us call a spade a spade: while Gucci is one of the most sought-after and highly desirable brand in the world, it is no Hermès. From my experience of handling hundreds of Gucci bags, this is not always the case.
Time and again, people claim that the lines should be like this, or the embossing/lettering should be clear all throughout etc. Whenever I was asked to sell something, or was in secondhand stores to score a find, I open the bag straight away and look for the leather tag and serial. It could be overwhelming, I know, so you can always try our Gucci bag authentication service for extra protection.Īs mentioned in my previous post, this is where I easily weed out fake bags from the real one. This is where we begin the Gucci bag serial number check. And when I mean lots, I mean loaded by 50 plus images (just counting those images I combined as one).īut with your quest in knowing how to tell if a Gucci bag is real, you need to train your eyes very well. After I discussed the Gucci material, we continue with the most important part of authenticating Gucci purses.Ī fair warning before you start reading: the 3 following sections have LOTS of photos.